January 15th, 2010.
That's a Saturday, just so that we are all clear. Now, I'm not posting anything but the date at the moment because I have (still) have to decide on a topic. XD And then design a banner for it, I suppose. Yeah, that would be helpful. I will also have to figure out Mister Linky...yeah. And...that's it for now. Well, for that topic anyway.
On to the next subject of discussion! Let's discuss some things.
1. Do you write better when you are around other people or are alone?
2. Will you write with others, or prefer a project that is solely yours?
3. Do you listen to music or does it have to be quiet when you write?
4. How often do you write a day? (Give a rough estimate).
5. How often do you write a week? (Give a rough estimate).
6. Do you set goals for how many words to write each day/week/month?
7. How do you handle these goals?
8. Do you set restrictions (like time limits) when it comes to writing?
9. What is something that you will stop writing for?
10. Finally, if you really have an urge to write but find that you can't, how do you keep the idea in mind? Do you snag the corner of a napkin and jot down a few words? Sketch a quick doodle? Make a note on your phone? Or just hope that you will remember it later?
My next post will have my answers to this list of ten questions.
Now, on top of the possibility of having and hosting blogfest, I also want to throw in a contest. That's right! I want to have a guest post in my blog. So, here are the rules:
1. To enter this contest you must comment on this topic here.
2. There is no prize except for the chance to be a guest writer here on my blog: "Aleatoire".
3. As my blog's name literally translates to "Random", the topic can be just that. If you want to write about fiction, some tips on cooking, whatever, just make sure that it's clean and appropriate.
4. I will make a post listing those who want to enter the contest by Monday, October 18th, 2010. The winner will be selected on Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 and the winning post will be put up on Friday, October 22nd.
More information about this contest will be posted within the next two days, so keep checking back. =)
Current Mood: