Monday, May 31, 2010


Memorial Day! Well, my brothers had to march (since they're in the marching band for school) in the parade. There was a service and Top played Taps. My Pepere was over and Dad did a BBQ. It was tons of fun. I re-scheduled my kayaking plans with my one friend: 1) because I have no idea how to kayak, and 2) we were having fun BBQ-ing. I did, however, go to Starbucks with JW. That was interesting, always is. Me and him, we go there a lot.

I'm still working on the synopsis for this book that I've been writing for 4 years, and I've gotten it trimmed down to 3.5 pages. All I need to do is shave off that last half a page to make it 3 and I can send it out to an agent for representation for publication! =D

Current Mood:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Neuviéme: The Missed Intro / Fun-ness! XD

So, I never really stopped to really introduce myself in the first post. Yeah, I know that that is what you're normally supposed to do, but when you meet me, you realize that I'm not really normal. XD I like to do things out of habit and order. I'm a pretty random person and that's why the name of my blog is "Aléatoire", which is French for "Random". =)

I'm the oldest out of my siblings and have two younger brothers, Top and Phil (don't ask, because I won't be using their names on here, that goes with the names of any friends I might mention. Strictly using nicknames, but if you know me, I assume that you'll know who I speak of... =D) and besides my Mom and our pet dog, Lei, I'm the only girl and have been for quite some time. Only recently (8 years ago) did I get a little girl cousin. So...I can be a tomboy sometimes, but I'm still fun! XD

Hrm...I'm pretty sure that in my "About Me" I mentioned that I'm an Art Major. Yeah...get used to that idea, because at the current moment, I have no desire to change it. I love draw and sketch and write. Usually, that's all I do and my parents can vouch for that.

Anyway, the point to this blog is so that my friends and family can follow me when I finally go back to Disney! I am so excited to go back, I have missed it so much since my last College Program with them last Spring '09. I was a QSR and worked at CBR =) Ahh...abbreviations. =D This time I'll be doing Merch, and I have no idea where! I'm going down with...JW...I guess that's a good nickname, what do you think JW? Haha...if you even read this...XD Anyway, super excited!


Now, I'm too lazy to post this and then make a whole other post, so I'm just going to include it with this one. Yesterday started out a bit slow. I went to Church and then went to go do face painting at a birthday party. Afterwards I went out to dinner with Tessa and Ken! It was a blast! =D We went to Chili's, (I never really go there, so it was kind of different) and then we went to see Shrek 4 (JW joined us spur of the moment), which was much better than the 3rd one. It was a good way to end the series and had some good music. I will look into getting the soundtrack later, because that's what I do...get movie soundtracks and orchestral music =D

Mood for Last Night:

Current Mood:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Huitième interview got rescheduled for this upcoming Wednesday. XD The lady had to go to a last minute meeting, which was totally fine. Today I'm going to hang out with a friend I have not seen in some time, so I am excited...I also had a Caramel Frappé and the sugar is getting to me...gah! Being sugar-intolerant can be annoying sometimes...of course, I guess I could watch my sugar intake like I'm supposed to. XD

Anyway! My parents and youngest brother are going to see Iron Man 2, my other brother is still at the beach with his friends (since they decided to go there for their "After Prom Celebration" thing)and I'm going out with my friend.

And another friend wants to go to Starbucks, but I don't know...hehe, sorry! Hey! If you're reading this, I will get back to you on that!

Current Mood:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello, everyone! Oh, I am so excited. My job interview is tomorrow! Ahhh! XD It's such a good opportunity and I hope that I can get the job. =)

Anyway, today I worked at that fast food place again...=X It's not that bad, haha! Hm, I was the voice in the box again taking orders, that was tons of fun. I love talking to people, so I guess that that is a good spot to put me. =)

Now I'm home and just relaxing. I'm waiting for my friend to get home so that I can chat with him on AIM about this book that we are writing together...he'll be on eventually, I'm sure. XD excited for tomorrow, but pretty "Eh" feeling right now though. XD

Current Mood (I can do it! XD):


Hello, everyone! Oh, I am so excited. My job interview is tomorrow! Ahhh! XD It's such a good opportunity and I hope that I can get the job. =)

Anyway, today I worked at that fast food place again...=X It's not that bad, haha! Hm, I was the voice in the box again taking orders, that was tons of fun. I love talking to people, so I guess that that is a good spot to put me. =)

Now I'm home and just relaxing. I'm waiting for my friend to get home so that I can chat with him on AIM about this book that we are writing together...he'll be on eventually, I'm sure. XD excited for tomorrow, but pretty "Eh" feeling right now though. XD

Current Mood:

Monday, May 24, 2010


Yesterday I had work and then decided to try and see if I could not go on the internet for the night (I succeeded!). That's also why I didn't post last night.

Today I worked again. It was pretty busy. We had a bus and I had to take orders in the drive-thru. Anyway, I am so excited for Thursday because I have a job interview for an awesome-ly amazing summer job! Eeeeeee!!! XD Please, wish me luck! =)

Mood for the Day (So excited for Thursday! XD):

Friday, May 21, 2010


You must forgive me...I am a bit out of it. I just realized that the last time I ate it was 11:30am today when I went on break...and it is now just about 12 hours later. Sure, I had a frappe to hold me over around 3:30pm? But that has worn off. So, I'm currently waiting for some water to boil so that I can make some macaroni and cheese (Sponebob shapes!) XD

Hm...I've been doing a lot of edits in my first book so that I can get it ready. Basically because I want to send out a Query Letter to a Literary Agent to find representation (to get published) but I need a word count, and I can't have a solid word count until I'm done with the revisions. My friend (the one who took me out for water ice) is helping me and she is still amazing! Apparently, though, I have to come up with a better title for the book. XD mood/expression for the day (and because Ouran is just amazing!):

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today, Mom and I drove my Dad and brother to the airport. They are flying out of state so my brother can check out a college now that he's 18! =)

Oh! And I found out today from a friend that my other friend and I ended up on the front page of the local newspaper for participating at a local craft fair! Ah, I'm so excited! I cannot wait to get the paper tomorrow so that I can have a copy! =D

On other news, I am just about going through the revisions for my first book. Once I am done I can finally send out my new Query Letter to see about getting representation for publication! I will post on here how that turns out. XD

And, even though I really do not want to go back to the place that I work (fast food, yuck!), I am in desperate need of money, so tomorrow I picked up a shift from one of my friends/co-workers who offered me his hours...he is so cool and nice! =) This, of course, means that next Friday I will get a paycheck!!! =D

Now, for something that I drew on the window of the sliding door until Security at the complex told me to erase it off. =( -sniff-...but Stitch is so cute! <3>

I also want to include a strip from one of my favorite mangas. (I feel similarity with this strip sometimes regarding these things) have to read it right to left! XD.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today is my younger (middle) brother's birthday, so: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! o(^o^)o

Also, apparently I ruined my Mom's trip chance to go to Florida with my brother and Dad. =( I'll make it up to them later. =)

Getting water ice soon with an awesome friend! =D

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A rainy day, raining all day long, but it is not a bad one. Rain is so nice and I love listening to it. =)

Today, I got a call from my teacher. Someone wanted to buy one of my paintings that I had put up in the school art show. I told her no, but that I wouldn't mind doing another painting for them.

I need that painting for my portfolio. XD