Monday, August 9, 2010

Writing #1

So, why not start a blog series? Everyone is doing it! Well, I guess I could try.

My first topic will be how to go about planning your book. Of course, everyone has their own style on how to go about this task. Some have processes that are much more complicated and some are simple. Now, what is mine? What do I do when I want to write a book? Well, I guess I can tell you...

I sit down and I write. Yep, that's it. I don't start off with any real plan. I write a snippet down and go from there if I think it has potential. I don't outline or draw up a rough diagram of how I want things or plots to go, I just write what comes to mind.

Setbacks for my style of planning? I haven't come across any quite yet, except for the occasional writer's block, but that can be a bother to all writers out there, so it's not really something horrible.

Now, IF I do try to plan out something, the most I will do is something like this:

Chapter 1: Character 1, Character 2 and Character 4.
Chapter 2: Character 3.
Chapter 3: Character 1, Character 2 and Character 4/ Character 3/ Character 5.
Chapter 4: Character 3/ Character 5.
Chapter 5: Character 1, Character 2, Character 3, Character 4, and Character 5 meet.

Yep. I just write down the chapter number and the names of which characters will appear in that chapter based on appearance. That's the most I'll do, I think.

Now, I know that some of you will actually sit there and write/type out a brief summary of what you want to have happen in your chapters. I know for a fact that this is what Justin likes to do. I've tried to do it, but I find it difficult to stick to when I do it. I like the freedom I get from just writing what I want and when I want. If I need to rearrange my chapters later on to make it flow better or to add or subtract a chapter later, I don't mind.

Anyway, that's it for now. Check out the rest of the series later. If any of you have a topic you'd like me to discuss, just let me know in the comment's section.

Also, a question for you all: "Do you plan for your story? How do you go about it?"


Current Mood:


  1. Thanks for the shout out :)

    Well, suffice it say I think I only began to outline after I had taken so long to complete my first manuscript. Granted, I enjoyed every draft I saw it through, and now in the final line edits and 5 years later, I'm ready to be able to write a manuscript in a 10-14mo. time line. That might be setting the bar high. It will only be my second manuscript, but I'm hoping the extensive outline will move me along.

    Peace and Writing Love!


  2. I plan some things, I "pantser" others. But like with you, things change. xD
