Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Currently I have company over, so, this post will be done quickly. We are playing "Go Fish" and I am also partaking in the game on Facebook, "Frontierville", please don't laugh. XD However, I am also typing my book. I am re-writing Chapter Three in my third book. In fact, I had to stop writing Book Three in order to re-write a good portion of the beginning because of some things that I have changed around. You see, I had changed some of the ending, well, actually, I had decided that I had to change the beginning, because the way that I am writing the ending, the beginning was conflicting and I didn't feel like re-writing the ending, so the beginning it was. Well, if that isn't confusing enough....haha!

Anyway, I am also preparing to go back home. My DCP is almost done and I am thankful for that. I have missed my family greatly and I cannot wait to go back home and play in the snow. I want to build an igloo. =D

Current Mood:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last Day of Class!

La-Di-Dah-Di-Dah!!!! How de do everyone? Today was the last day of my class and I was kind of excited but that, however, it was a wonderful class and I think that I will miss it, especially my teacher. She was very cool, and that just made the class better. She taught me these two, awesome words: "Gravitas" and "Sprezzatura"! Please, check out both words, they are helpful and, of course, smart and fun to say. =)
For my last day of class, I gave a Final Presentation on myself as an Artist. I believe that my classmates enjoyed the slideshow of my work that I put together. Well, the classmates who watched it anyway, haha!

So, I want to hear all about NaNoWriMo! Please share with me in the comments of this post on how you did and if you all achieved your goals! Which, of course, I hope that you all did! =) I, on the other hand, did not participate. I didn't really have the time and I didn't feel like adding the extra stress to my life. However, I may partake of this amusing event next November. More on that later.

Now, I believe that I did mention, before NaNoWriMo, that I would be hosting my own blogfest! If you're still all interested, I would love to tell you all about it. In fact, I think that I will, and, in my next post later this week, I will set up the information (once I figure out Mr. Linky) and set up my banner, too. =)

Other than that, I hope that you are all enjoying your week and counting down the days to Christmas, as am I, or to the holiday of your preference! =D Happy Holidays to you all!

Current Mood:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day!

I just want to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to everyone and to wish you all a happy holiday. Enjoy the turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce and take the time to relax and enjoy youselves with your family and friends. =)

-Tara! o(^o^)o

Current Mood:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Home, Sweet Home"

Home is a pleasurable place and there is always a sense of security when one is there. After being away for three months (and 9 days, so says the counter on the sidebar there...), yesterday felt like a dream. I was home, but I didn't believe it, I mean, I did, but it sort of felt like a dream. Like it was too good to be true (especially after the guy at the airport who was checking my luggage kept telling me, "You're going to miss your flight. You're going to miss your flight. You're going to miss your flight. You're going to miss your flight." That was not something I appreciated, especially since I was already nervous (sort of) about flying alone. XD Anyway, back to my point....home is something that I truly miss when I am in Florida. I feel sort of alone when I'm down there, since I am very big into family and being with my family. Don't get me wrong---all of the friends that I have made in Florida are wonderful and I love to hang out with all of them!---but, I miss my home when I am there. I suppose it's a transition to work with. Anyway, my Pepere (I believe I have mentioned this before in previous posts) loaned me a book to read while I am in Florida, and it is a book of inspiring quotes and poems by famous people of the past, like Seneca, and of a more modern time, like Thoreau and such. In this book ("A Light From Many Lamps") there is this poem, which I enjoyed reading very much:

Home, Sweet Home

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home;
A charm from the sky seems to hallow us there,
Which, seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain;
Oh, give me my lowly thatched cottage again!
The birds singing gayly, that come at my call --
Give me them -- and the peace of mind, dearer than all!
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,
And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,
As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door
Thro' the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

How sweet 'tis to sit 'neath a fond father's smile,
And the caress of a mother to soothe and beguile!
Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam,
But give me, oh, give me, the pleasures of home.
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

To thee I'll return, overburdened with care;
The heart's dearest solace will smile on me there;
No more from that cottage again will I roam;
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
Home, home, sweet, sweet, home!
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!

John Howard Payne

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Extra Ordinary"

So, a few weeks ago, my brother Chris sent me a comic picture on my phone and said that this was me. After he sent me this, I went back and started the comic from the beginning.

The comic is called "Extra Ordinary" and it follows the tales and adventures of Li, Jordan and Shoelace. Li is the artist and she is pretty amazing. Her drawings are adorable and I love her four-panel idea. It's really very clever and she puts it together very nicely. Jordan is in a few of the comics, and he seems to be this mellow, yet interesting guy who's always around to be bothered by or to bother Li, and of course Shoelace is this adorably funny cat who can do all these tricks, including walk on ceilings. ;) But that's in a later comic. Their adventures and such are random, something that I like, and they always make me smile and on occasion laugh.

"Extra Ordinary" is updated every Wednesday (American-time), which is always a nice update, since it's right in the middle of the week, so if you're having a down week, or need a pick-me-up, or just want to finish the week off with a good smile or laugh, this is definitely a comic that will help with that!


Current Mood:

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So, I just bought my luggage for my flight home, well, when I say that I bought my luggage, I already have the suitcase, I mean that I paid for it so that I can have it checked onto the plane. XD I'm really excited to be going home for about a week to visit. My family is going to celebrate Thanksgiving a few days early so that I can be there with them since I fly out on Thanksgiving Day. Yeah....I could only get so many days off from work, but the days I got off were enough, I think. Hm.... After I return back from my trip home, I believe that there will only be six more weeks left until my internship is over. I look forward to going home and getting a job back there. I have many plans for this Spring and Summer and can't wait to get them started.

On another note, I hope you are all doing well with NaNoWriMo. How are the updates going? Is everyone hitting their daily goals? I hope so. You can all do it, I'm rooting for you! Maybe I will try event next year....maybe.

Current Mood:

Oh! And I dropped my phone yesterday and the screen cracked. XD

Saturday, November 6, 2010


An interesting band that I stumbled across some time ago on the ever-famous YouTube, "Pomplamoose" always puts me in a good mood if I am feeling down. On top of that, they're good to listen to no matter what my mood. Personally, I think they're pretty cool. I am especially impressed by how well they put their videos together with their music. The covers they do are always good songs, some I am familiar with, others, I am not. I also like the because they have French themes to them. "Pomplamoose", if you did not know, is actually French for "Grapefruit". They also did a French song, which I enjoyed very much. This one, though, is one of my favorites that they did.

Now, how did I stumble across them? I think that my friend Tim introduced me to them. Tim is always sharing interesting things with me, which I always appreciate. So, anyway, while I know that a majority of you are participating in "NaNoWriMo" (and I wish you all the best of luck), I think that you would enjoy stopping, just for a bit, to listen to at least one of their songs. You could even listen to some of their songs while writing. I know that I tend to listen to music when I write. =)

-Tara! =D

Current Mood:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blogfests, Questions and Contests!

So...I hope that all of you who participated in Justin's "Hook, Line and Sinker" blogfest had a blast! Or at least read some great entries and gave good and helpful input. Now, all these talks of blogfests, I sort of want to start one, too. Haha, how silly of me, to make one, but I want to try it out. Making one, I mean. So, I'm deciding that if I have it, the blogfest will be set for this date:

January 15th, 2010.

That's a Saturday, just so that we are all clear. Now, I'm not posting anything but the date at the moment because I have (still) have to decide on a topic. XD And then design a banner for it, I suppose. Yeah, that would be helpful. I will also have to figure out Mister Linky...yeah. And...that's it for now. Well, for that topic anyway.

On to the next subject of discussion! Let's discuss some things.

1. Do you write better when you are around other people or are alone?
2. Will you write with others, or prefer a project that is solely yours?
3. Do you listen to music or does it have to be quiet when you write?
4. How often do you write a day? (Give a rough estimate).
5. How often do you write a week? (Give a rough estimate).
6. Do you set goals for how many words to write each day/week/month?
7. How do you handle these goals?
8. Do you set restrictions (like time limits) when it comes to writing?
9. What is something that you will stop writing for?
10. Finally, if you really have an urge to write but find that you can't, how do you keep the idea in mind? Do you snag the corner of a napkin and jot down a few words? Sketch a quick doodle? Make a note on your phone? Or just hope that you will remember it later?

My next post will have my answers to this list of ten questions.

Now, on top of the possibility of having and hosting blogfest, I also want to throw in a contest. That's right! I want to have a guest post in my blog. So, here are the rules:

1. To enter this contest you must comment on this topic here.
2. There is no prize except for the chance to be a guest writer here on my blog: "Aleatoire".
3. As my blog's name literally translates to "Random", the topic can be just that. If you want to write about fiction, some tips on cooking, whatever, just make sure that it's clean and appropriate.
4. I will make a post listing those who want to enter the contest by Monday, October 18th, 2010. The winner will be selected on Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 and the winning post will be put up on Friday, October 22nd.

More information about this contest will be posted within the next two days, so keep checking back. =)


Current Mood:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

50th! It's a Random Update! =D

Isn't this so cool? 50 posts? Ah, so neat! =D

I would like to start a new "series" but I'm not quite sure what to make it about yet. Of course, I will still continue with my "Writing Series", too, so no worries there. I'm sure that if I think about it for a few more days/another week or so, I can come up with another good topic to start a "series" on. So, of course, keep checking in for updates.

Now, let's make some announcements. Justin's Hook, Line and Sinker Blogfest is coming up soon. It's scheduled to take place on October 11th, 2010. Please make sure to check it out. He's hoping for at least 15 people to sign up and, so far, he's only up to 12 people. So, check it out if you have the time to participate on October 11th, 2010.

Um...that's kind of the only announcements I have. Of course, I know I said announcements, with an "s", but it was only one. Haha! Yeah...

Current Mood:

P.S. "The Nanny" is a pretty cool show. =)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Writing #4

So, let's talk about scenery. No, not in your book, while this is important depending on what type of story you are writing, but actual scenery. That's right, I'm talking about our actual surroundings. How they can affect your writing, or if they even do. Let's discuss it, shall we?

Today I decided to read some of my homework for my one class. However, I decided that I needed a change of scenery, so what did I do? I went outside and sat at the pool for about an hour and a half, give or take. But why? Well, I'm not quite sure, but I feel like I felt that I needed a change of scenery. So, now, how does this apply to writing?

In some of ways. Really, I feel that changing your scenery (aka where you write) can affect your inspiration, or, your creativity, maybe both? Who knows. I'm sure there are people who think about it. (Digressing...XD)

Readers, let me ask you a few questions:

1. How many of you sit in front of a desktop computer when you write?
2. How many of you sit in the same room with your laptop to write?
3. How many of you only write at certain places (ex. Living Room, Bedroom, Office, Study, etc.)?

How many of you answered yes, to at least one of those questions? Well, it's okay if you did. There is nothing wrong with that. Honestly!

I like to write in different places. Sure, I have my comfortable spots. Sitting on the couch while watching television is a favorite. =) However, (and Justin can vouch for me on this) I bring a notebook with me everywhere! Or, practically everywhere, even to water parks. Again, Justin can vouch for me on that one). =) I have carried around a notebook with me since high school, I guess. I didn't get a laptop until after I graduated from high school, so I would write in my notebook during school and when I got home I would type what I had written on our family desktop. However, even now, after having a laptop for almost two years, I still write in my notebook. I bring it and write when I'm in the car, when I'm walking around, when I'm waiting in line, etc., etc., etc.

Now, I have some more questions:

4. Do any of you do something like this?
5. Do you carry a notebook with you and write down notes or your story when you are away from your laptop or computer.
6. Do you do something different? Maybe a voice recorder?
7. Want to share your tips? =D

Well, that's it for this post in my "Writing" series. Hope it was interesting enough for you all. I am trying to pick up on my posting. Work is keeping me busy...

And...woo-hoo! First post for the month of October! =D

Current Mood:

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rusty Zipper

Howdy everyone! I have been slacking in both my writing and in the posting of my blog. =( But, I have recently been trying to pick up on both. Yay!

So, today I have another nifty website that you can feel free to take a look at, if you like. It's called Rusty Zipper and it's a site that has old vintage clothes. Now, I know these styles aren't for everyone, but I am such a dork when it comes to these sort of things, like Big Band Swing music and some Oldies music, too. Oh, don't get me started. XD I'll talk about Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, so on and so on. Haha! Anyway, back to Rusty Zipper. It's a pretty cool site and feel free to check it out. It has clothes for both men and women and (if you're a hands on/craft person) they have patterns that you can sew yourself. =) They range from shirts to dress, to hats to gloves to other random accessories. =) So, if you're interested, check the site.

For now though, I'm going to wrap up this post. I will try to post again soon. =D

Current Mood:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Okay, well, it was only one, but it was really nice. I walked into my room yesterday to find a single pink rose laying on my bed, waiting for me. It was from a florist, with a note that thanked me for picking up my room mate's flowers (which I did not). I was supposed to...but I ended up having to go to work and they didn't call me to say they were outside. XD But, still, even though I didn't pick them up, they gave me the flower anyway, which I thought was very nice of them. Personally, I love flowers and the idea of receiving them. =)

Anyway, I read Miss Molly Ford's newest post just now. Today she posted a link to a nifty little website and I found a few things that I would really consider buying (if I had the money to spend, XD). Anyway, here they are!

The first one is of these really cool wall decorations, which are chalkboards. You can peel them on and off the walls and it comes with chalk! It's so cool. XD

The second is a picture of these really cool paper clips! Who said that organizing papers can't be fun and colorful? =D

And, lastly, a notebook to organize your week. Seems interesting enough and I could use one that has room to write in each day. Yeah...

Also, there is this nifty spray/brush on that can turn surfaces into a chalkboard! =D


So, yes, that is my brief update. Nothing book related today, or writing related really. Just a brief post to fill in the gap. September has been a slow post month, apparently, as I think this is only post number four for September. XD

Current Mood:

Friday, September 17, 2010

10 Things...

Well, rather recently I have been awarded this little beauty:

So, here's what I have to do in order to really "earn it". I have to list 10 things I like (not love) and then pass it on to ten others. Let's begin.

I like...

1. ...climb trees on occasion.
2. video games (preferably things like LoZ).
3. ...draw comics sometimes.
4. tennis.
5. some piano.
6. crosswords and wordsearches when I'm feeling down-ish.
7. ...clean and do chores when I need to think or calm down.
8. puzzles when I have space for them on the table.
9. boardgames like Chess, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Reversi, etc.
10. ...paint, but only when I really feel like painting, otherwise I strictly (love) to draw or sketch instead. =D

And now on to who I say should do this next! Haha!

Justin @ In My Write Mind
Amanda @ All That Good Jazz
Kaelin @ Enchanted Inkdom
Misty @ Writer's Block ~ Oh wait! I mean blog...
February @ Pitch Slapped
Valerie @ As The Moon Climbs
Regan @ One Dream to the Next
Shelley @ Stories in the Ordinary
Tessa @ Tessa's Blurb
Roland @ Writing In The Crosshairs

Woo-hoo!!! Feel free to try it out and have fun with it. Of course, if you don't have the time, or just don't feel like doing it, I guess that that's okay too.

Now, I have not been posting much. I have been busy with work and soon I will be starting two classes, but I will keep posting as much as I can and when I can. =D

Current Mood:

(And are these really my "moods" well, no, but rather the picture I feel like posting at the time, haha!)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Writing #3

Currently, I am sitting in my apartment and debating on eating half a bagel or a whole bagel. Really, though, I think I will go for the whole bagel. XD Okay, yeah, I just popped the bagel (halved) into the oven (since we don't have a toaster, haha!)

So, ooo, look at the title of the post, it's so pretty! Yes, that's right! We're on post #3 of my "Writing Series", haha! Okay, so what is the topic? Yes, you're all wondering. I've kept you suspenseful. ;)

And, BONUS! This post not only is about writing, but it also features a YouTube video (something I have not promoted as of late). But, before I post this video, let me discuss the topic a bit first.

Storytelling, yes, telling, not writing (it strays from the series title?) has been around for ages. If not verbal it was pictorial, but it is how we all can connect, no matter what language we speak. Before written record, stories were passed on by word of mouth, even after written language, it was still passed by word of mouth for some time (I guess, anyway) due to lack of education. Bards were great story tellers (or one would hope), and if they didn't tell stories they played music, but, again, straying from my topic. Rough story short, storytelling has been around for quite some time.

This is just an example that anyone can tell a story, no matter how young or old, what language we speak, or whatever. I found this video to be very cute and I enjoyed listening to it (and reading the subtitles, as my French is not quite there yet), but this little girl is quite the storyteller and that is something great. Kids, I think, have great imaginations, and I personally love listening to their stories and such. It has always amused me. Stories that kids tell us now, show potential for later and proves that it's never too early to start (but keep in mind that you can also start no matter what age you are. Try to avoid giving yourself restrictions.) =D

(As for how I got this video, my friend, Tim, sent me the link one night ago and I told him I was going to make a post about it. =D)

So, what's your opinion on the video? Comments? Let me know! =D

Also (even though I most likely won't be participating), there is no reason as to not promote my best friend Justin's upcoming blogfest. Check it out! Sign up's will be starting about a week and a half from the start date, which is October 11th, 2010. Please make sure to check out his blog for updates! =D

His Blog Badge:

Current Mood:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just an Update...

I have been finding it very hard (these past few days) to write much of my book. Well, not that it's hard, but more along the lines of I am trying to limit when I write. Don't ask. Haha! Um, anyway. I never did post the day of or after my last post. Sorry.

I'm listening to the Beatles right now and trying to decide what I want to do before work, if I do anything. I probably won't, I'm so lazy (and I don't really like going out alone. I'd rather go with someone, yeah...).

Urm...anyway (again, sheesh!), um, I will have to add my next post in my "Writing" Series soon. =] Oh yeah, if there is a topic in writing that anyone would like me to go over or discuss, let me know and I will come up with a post for it. Thanks! =D

Current Mood:

The reason for my picture today? My best friend Teresa is coming to visit me in 76 days!!! o(^o^)o See the countdown in the sidebar! =D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh, how pretty! =D

Well, three days ago I was acknowledged with another award, yay! And - finally...! - I have the time to post about it...about anything really. XD

So, here's to RosieC over at East for Green Eyes for bestowing this to me. I thank you very much! Now I have two pretty awards. =) Yay! So, now it's time for me to hand it off to some people. Who's up? Let's see!

The rules for this award states that I need to pass it along:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Now, I know it says 15, but how about I do 5 at a time? So, after today, I will award this award 2 more times (once a week)...can I do that? XD choices for this round are...!

1. Kaelin over at Enchanted Inkdom!
2. Valerie over at As the Moon Climbs!
3. Dawn Embers over at Dawn Embers!
4. Misty Waters over at Writer's Block ~ Oh wait! I mean blog...!
5. wanpicz over at picez's blog! (Just a head's up about wanpicz's blog. It is in Indonesian, but your internet should give you the option to translate it to English. It does for me. =D)

Woo-hoo! to all the winners this week, yay! =D And...I'll post again later today or tomorrow. So please check back. Thanks! =D

Current Mood:

Saturday, August 14, 2010


So, I have decided to enter this fest, rather spur of the moment and last minute, of course, my style. Anyway, the following is something that I wrote for my Creative Writing class this past Spring 2010. Um...I wrote it in February during a blizzard-ish snowstorm. Comments would be nice. Critiques welcome as well, as this is my first blogfest. Thanks! =D

Plus I can be sort of skeptic about posting my work on-line. XD So...yeah. XD Anyway, ta-da.>

The Weather

The sky is white, but not a bright white. It is almost a very pale gray. It is late morning and there is a chaotic array of swirling white flakes dancing outside the windows. It is a heavy shower of white, that slips sideways and under, then over and back the other way. It is a waltz of these white flakes. The large and small specks alike mingle together in their peaceful dance through the sky before they slowly settle on the already white and frozen ground from a previous storm.

And...that's it. It's so small compared to everyone else's but this is just my first trial at this sort of thing. Thanks for reading my last-minute entry into the blogfest! =)


Check it out everyone, I'm awarding my first...award! Haha. Well, recently I was awarded with the "Versatile Blogger" award by dear Amanda Sablan. I just want to thank her. That was very nice and it was also...nice (XD...redundant word usage) to know that I was being thought of. So, Amanda, thanks again. =D As for a cheesecake...would you take a drawing instead? =D

So, who will I award it to? Well, here are my four selections for passing the award on to:

1. February Grace @ Pitch Slapped
2. Valerie @ As the Moon Climbs
3. Regan @ One Dream to the Next
4. John Smith @ John Smith Books

And now for the rules I have made for the restriction of passing on the award:

-You were a follower of my blog.
-You did not have the award yet. (Let's be fair =)...)
-You all have interesting posts.

So, I guess that's it for now. I am seriously debating on jumping into that "Weatherfest" before today is over, but I don't think I will in the end. I want to write one of my 3 WiPs, haha!

Current Mood:

As my wrist hurts...XD

Friday, August 13, 2010

Writing #2

I originally had an idea for this second post in my "Writing Series" but as I am currently running on five hours of sleep, I can't seem to recall it, so...I'll wing this post instead. Hope you all don't mind.

Anyway, the topic this time is Characters.

Characters are often essential in any piece of writing, whether they be human, a creature, or even an object of personification. They are what helps the story move along, the glue for your paper, the ink for your pen, the binding for the book, well, I guess you get the point. Anyway, what I am getting at is that characters are important, as is their development throughout any sort of writing.

Sometimes, developing a character can be easy, and other times it can be a downright pain in the butt. In times where the character just seems to flow from your pen, congratulations! We've all been there at some point, I'm sure...or, almost sure. And, I'm also (almost) sure that we've all experienced the times where we have practically had to sit there and wrestle our characters out of our pen and force them onto the page. It takes minutes, hours, possibly even days to drag their stubborn rears out, and, sometimes, when they finally are out, they want to be difficult. That's right, you had this great idea and now the character won't fit that idea anymore. Horrible, right? Well, maybe not so. It can give you a great opportunity to re-think the situation, the particular scene, maybe your character just wasn't meant to do that sort of scene, not yet at least. Maybe in time, after the character has been developed more. Something I have learned is that no matter how long you write, you will always go back and read it and want to possibly rewrite at least a part in your book to make it sound better. But, I digress. Back to characters.

There are many different styles to character creation. When I first started writing, I would make them a brief bio (because I'm a dork and role-play and read manga and when you're role-playing, you make a Character Bio, and when you're reading manga, sometimes the Character Bio's are thrown in between the chapters. XD). Anyway, (have you noticed yet that I like to use that word a lot in this post? =D)...I would try to make a bio, which would consist of:

Name: First & Last
Age: ?yrs
Height: ?' ?"
Weight: ?lbs
Hair Color: ?
Eye Color: ?
D/O/B: ? (I used this one once or twice.)
Style: ? (How I wanted my character to dress.)
Weapon: ? (As my main category of writing is fiction fantasy, there are usually swords and stuff. =D)
Brief Bio: ? (A bit about the character I was writing about.

But as I continued to grow as a writer I found that I personally do not need to construct a bio of my characters anymore. I picture them as I will and go from there. I am a very hands on person. I don't like to organize things sometimes, but when it comes to my story, I know where all the files and notes are. I just am "eh" on some of the "laying out" issues that comes with the development.

Another way to write about your character, to get them started, is to set them, let's say, modern day, in a restaurant or cafe around you. How would they react? That sort of thing. I mean, there are many ways to create characters and one can try many different ways until they find what is comfortable for them, but do not feel like you have to be limited to that one way, you can always breach out and try new things. I once had a teacher who said something along the lines of, "Choosing a career is great, but don't think you are limited to just one. I have worked many different jobs and have had much fun. When you limit yourself, you can only go so far." I can't recall her exact words, but it was something along those lines. =)

Question #2 of the "Writing Series": How do you make up your characters? How many do you often have in your stories? A few? A lot? Would you try a limited cast of characters? Or a larger cast?" Do tell! =D

Current Mood:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Magic Kingdom

"Walt Disney World is a tribute to the philosophy and life of Walter Elias Disney... and to the talents, the dedication, and the loyalty of the entire Disney organization that made Walt Disney's dream come true. May Walt Disney World bring Joy and Inspiration and New Knowledge to all who come to this happy place... a Magic Kingdom where the young at heart of all ages can laugh and play and learn — together. Dedicated this 25th day of October, 1971. Roy Oliver Disney”

Above is the quote that is inscribed on the Dedication Plaque for Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom. As Walt Disney passed away before construction even began on the Florida Project, it was his brother who had to see to the opening of the first park, renamed from Disney World to Walt Disney World in honor of Walt Disney. Since it's opening, Magic Kingdom has grown and last year, 2009, it received so many visitors that it became the most visited amusement park in the whole world.

"To all that come to this happy place: welcome. ...[It] is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. [It] is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." - Walt Disney

Enjoy! =]
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Writing #1

So, why not start a blog series? Everyone is doing it! Well, I guess I could try.

My first topic will be how to go about planning your book. Of course, everyone has their own style on how to go about this task. Some have processes that are much more complicated and some are simple. Now, what is mine? What do I do when I want to write a book? Well, I guess I can tell you...

I sit down and I write. Yep, that's it. I don't start off with any real plan. I write a snippet down and go from there if I think it has potential. I don't outline or draw up a rough diagram of how I want things or plots to go, I just write what comes to mind.

Setbacks for my style of planning? I haven't come across any quite yet, except for the occasional writer's block, but that can be a bother to all writers out there, so it's not really something horrible.

Now, IF I do try to plan out something, the most I will do is something like this:

Chapter 1: Character 1, Character 2 and Character 4.
Chapter 2: Character 3.
Chapter 3: Character 1, Character 2 and Character 4/ Character 3/ Character 5.
Chapter 4: Character 3/ Character 5.
Chapter 5: Character 1, Character 2, Character 3, Character 4, and Character 5 meet.

Yep. I just write down the chapter number and the names of which characters will appear in that chapter based on appearance. That's the most I'll do, I think.

Now, I know that some of you will actually sit there and write/type out a brief summary of what you want to have happen in your chapters. I know for a fact that this is what Justin likes to do. I've tried to do it, but I find it difficult to stick to when I do it. I like the freedom I get from just writing what I want and when I want. If I need to rearrange my chapters later on to make it flow better or to add or subtract a chapter later, I don't mind.

Anyway, that's it for now. Check out the rest of the series later. If any of you have a topic you'd like me to discuss, just let me know in the comment's section.

Also, a question for you all: "Do you plan for your story? How do you go about it?"


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Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Lights, Motors, Action!"

Do you like movies?!

Do you like cars?!

And do you like action?!

Well, if you do (and if you happen to be at Walt Disney World in Florida) then you should really consider heading over to Disney's Hollywood Studios to watch this Extreme Stunt Show. There's just one only has two showtimes a day: 1:20p and 4:30p. But, if you work your schedule out right you'll be able to catch this fast-paced show.

There are three rounds to this show. The first is an introduction of the directors and some cast before they start the chase scene known as the "Ballet Chase". This chase is more for show. They have cameras positioned all around the stage to catch different angles for filler later in the film.

The second portion is when they film the beginning of the show and it's the first time that you get to see the hero, who drives that red car. However, despite the fact that I just said that the hero drives the red car, in the second portion a.k.a. the opening for the film, the hero partakes in a motorcycle chase.

The third and final portion that is filmed only takes, about, 33 seconds. It's filled with last minute chases, jumps, fire and explosions!

Here's a preview of the ending. ;)

I hope that someday you guys can check out the show, if you haven't already. I saw it today and found it pretty interesting (despite the rain and strike of lightning that made us have to delay the show between the first and second takes. It was about a 15 minute wait time between the two, but it was still pretty cool besides that.) =]

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tea Time!

"If you are cold, tea will warm you; If you are too heated, it will cool you; If you are depressed, it will cheer you; If you are excited, it will calm you." -Gladstone (1865) Victorian British Prime Minister

I have never really enjoyed coffee ― I find it too bitter. I could add sugar and cream, but still it just does not suit my tastes. Now, I know that I will (on occassion) drink a coffee beverage, like a frappe, but not often. Anyway, back to the main point of this post. Today, I just want to talk about tea and how I love it. =)

I find tea to be delicious. It's fragrant's and tastes are delightful. The quote above, I think, pretty much sums up how I feel about tea. I am particular to green tea, but like to try new ones. =)

Anyway, when I go to malls, I like to looks for a Teavana shop. Have you ever been to one? Amazing! Here, check it out: Teavana. They always have samples of teas that you can try and there are all sorts. They also have interesting tea sets to look at or buy. My goal is to someday own a nice tea set from Teavana. At the moment, I kind of like this one:

Anyway, at the top of the Teavana site, they list their different kinds of teas: "White, Green, Oolong, Black, Herbal, Rooibos, and Maté". Then, they also have tea blends (which are also tasty), tea gifts, locations, their story, and many other cool tabs that one could enjoy perusing.

Well, I'm off for now, I might do another post later tonight. Enjoy some tea! =)

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Blog Tag and ModCloth! =)

So, the other day, Miss Amanda Sablan, tagged me in her blog post about a "Handwriting Meme" that she was tagged in by Cruising Altitude. Anyway, I meant to do this yesterday, but I was so busy that I didn't really have the time to get up onto my blog. =| Of course, now I do! =D Anyway, here is my handwriting!

If you can't read it, feel free to click on it for a larger picture. I tend to write small, but I had to write a little bigger then normal for this post so that you could see it. XD Um, now, how do I write? Well, when I have a writing utensil in my hand, I rest it between my thumb and pointer finger like you're supposed to (with my right hand) and then the very end of the writing instrument I rest against my ring finger. Not too many people I know do that, except for Amanda Sablan, who said in her post that that is how she writes, too! Besides her, I only know one other person who holds their writing utensil the same way as me and that is Aaron! =D

Um, so, I had to tag people, so this is who I targeted! Please make sure to do it! ;)
Justin Parente! Tessa Conte! Picez wanpic! Valerie! Mesmerix! Regan! and RosieC! I can't wait to see what you guys post...if you decide to do it. XD Also, I hope you all get a chance to check out each other's blogs. =)

((EDIT! Haha, I totally forgot to add this part earlier. Please thank RosieC for pointing out to me that she had no idea what to write for the numbers. XD

1. Your name/Blog's name
2. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
3. What are your favorite letters to write?
4. What are your least favorite letters to write?
5. Write: "The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
7. Your favorite song lyrics are?
8. Make sure you tag 7 people to join in on the fun. =)
9. Tickle your fancy and add a special quip for us to enjoy. =)

Thanks again, RosieC! ;) And, that's the end of the EDIT.))

Whew, anyway, today is one of those days where you've been so busy for the last couple of days and you just want to sit down and relax but people still want you to do stuff. Not that I mind though! I like hanging out with people, so I'll rest for an hour (or a couple of minutes) and then I'll be on my feet again. =)

On other news, I want to promote the site ModCloth today. It's this really interesting retro clothing sort of site. I really like going on here and browsing their selections and wishing I had more money...XD But it's really cool because they have all sorts of apparel, then they have stuff that's on sale (which is the stuff that I can afford, haha!) I mean, I don't want you to get discouraged, because this stuff isn't super expensive! I'm just saying I can't afford it because I'm trying to save my money. =) So, if you like to look at clothes, especially retro-ish clothes, this is definitely a site to check out. If you're interested in what kind of stuff they have and you're too lazy to click the link I have supplied, here are a few examples that I am a BIG fan of! =D

Oh, but please don't think that this site is only limited to clothes and shoes! That would be totally incorrect! They also have Accessories...Thye are fun to look at.

Also, they have some really nifty stuff for your apartment...Here are a few of my favorites of that sort of stuff. =)

Yeah, I am such a dork when it comes to retro stuff. I love that kind of thing, haha! Anyway, hope you all have a great day! =D

Oh yeah, one more thing...I changed my playlist so that it isn't automatic anymore. If you want to listen to the music, you can click play. I don't want to annoy anyone with my music. XD

Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby Showers, Queries, Stephen R. Lawhead and Packing? XD

Tomorrow I have a Baby Shower to attend for a friend, so today I went shopping for a gift. A bit last minute, I know, but I think I did a good job. Being a Disney fanatic, I got her this:

It's such an adorable book to keep track of your child's firsts. Like when they lose their teeth, their immunizations, what reactions they may have gotten, their first birthday and a few more birthday's after that, holidays and so on. I thought it would be a good thing to get for my friend, since she'll be a new mother.

But shopping for this kind of stuff made me realize I can't wait to do this kind of stuff for myself. Eh, I'm young, I've got some time, but I do look forward to having my own kids some day, which just makes me feel happy, haha.

Anyway, I have sent out my 8th query letter. This time I queried Literary Agent Matthew Bialer. He is pretty cool and was an agent to an author who has written books that I enjoy.

Perhaps you've heard of the author. His name is Stephen R. Lawhead. Check out his site! =)

His newest book right now is "Tuck", which is the third book in the "King Raven" series. I read the "Dragon King" trilogy and found it amazing! So, if you like adventure, evil warlords, and a lost kid finding his place in the world, definitely check out the "Dragon King" trilogy. However, feel free to also check out his other books, as I'm sure they are just as good (and I will be looking forward to reading them as soon as I get the chance. =)

On a side note, I am practically packed and just about ready to go! =D

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just dropping by....

Tonight, I don't have much to write about. I finished a painting I was working on for someone and have been packing. It's been busy this week, with work and all the stuff I must do to prepare for the move, but it has not been bad. I leave Sunday, so wish me luck! Don't worry, I'll still post. =)

Anyway, I'm debating on making a page on my blog here to post the first chapter of the first book in my trilogy. Any thoughts on that? Let me know! =D


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Fantastic Life Blog Hop!

Hello everyone!

So, I'm Tara. Hi! I am an Art Major and an Author. I write mainly fiction fantasies dealing in magic and the likes. I've been working on the same book series for the past (almost) 5 years now? With the first two books done in the trilogy, I have been working on getting some query letters out. =)

I work at an amazing place and love my job and the people that I have met and meet while I get to work there. It is an awesome experience. Really. It is. =)

I like to think of myself as an upbeat, positive, optimistic person who looks at the glass as half full, or even all the way full! XD I love people, so feel free to drop by and get to know me. =)


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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fruit Carving

Have you ever watched the Food Network, and come across the show "Food Network Challenge"? Well, I have. In fact, I watched the "Fantasy Fruit Sculptures" Episode last night and felt inspired to try my hand at carving fruit myself. Luckily, we had a watermelon lying around. However, since I caught the show at the end (when they were judging) I missed seeing how the chefs actually carved the magnificent designs into the watermelons, pineapples and other fruits, so I had to search for directions on-line. Of course, when you type in instructions for carving, almost everything that pops up is for pumpkins. XD

Anyway, I finally found an instructional video on YouTube by ChefChang. He joined YouTube on June 14, 2008 and since then has uploaded 73 videos simply on how to carve different sorts of fruits with all sorts of different designs! If you are someone who loves to try new things, I really suggest you take a try at fruit carving. Not only is it entertaining, but it is also tasty afterwards, haha! Plus, you can make your creation a pretty centerpiece at a celebration, like a graduation party, birthday party, wedding, or so on.

So, that all being said, I guess I should post the pictures of my first attempt at fruit carving. As I said, I chose to do a watermelon and I watched ChefChang's video on how to carve a Rose.

First, you carve off the green rind.

Second, you cut a circle out on the top. Don't go all the way through if you've hollowed out the edible part, or you'll have a hole.

Keep going....

It sort of looks like a Hurricane swirl here...XD

And, the final rose! =D

So, yes. If you'd like to give it a try at fruit carving, I highly recommend checking out ChefChang's YouTube website. =)

Later! =D


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Agent Nathan Bransford and Molly Ford's "Smart, Pretty and Awkward"

So, apparently (according to Justin, anyway) I don't use my blog enough? Odd, since I have more posts then he does and started before him. Beside all that though, you should still check out his blog, "In My Write Mind". Of course, he has more followers then me and doesn't promote me, but that's okay. XD

Anyway, today I queried Mr. Nathan Bransford of Curtis Brown Ltd.. He is an avid blogger and his advice and tips are helpful. If you'd like to check him out, here is the link to his blog. Just so we're clear, the word "blog" is a link. Click it! Now! Seriously, Nathan Bransford is pretty cool.

And, since I'm kind of on the topic of blogs, this is one that I seriously LOVE! Molly Ford is this amazing girl who gives three tips a day (at least she tries for per day). Her tips? Well, they're on how to be "Smart, Pretty and (a bit less) Awkward". Back to that word being a link thing, it!

I love Molly's posts, especially how she uses quotes for her titles. That is really very clever and something that I would like to try with a different blog, but I think I would pick just one topic instead of the range of quotes that she uses. They are so interesting. Plus, her tips and tricks are pretty helpful, too. This is definitely a blog to check out and it's even all right if you're a guy, too. This advice is for anyone who is interested on different points of view.

Molly is also on Twitter, if you would like to follow her, I'm sure she would not mind. (Ahem, click "Twitter")... In a recent messaging session that I had with her, I asked where she finds her fabulous quotes and she told me that,

"[I] usually just browse google for quotes on whatever topic i am interested in that day :)"

Yes, she even included a smiley face! This girl is really very cool and nice and someone who is easy to get along with, so please make sure that you check out her blog.

Also, please make sure to check out Nathan Bransford's site as well, since he his posts are also interesting and helpful.

Thanks so much!

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What to Pack

So, as the arrival date for my awesome experience looms closer, there are things that I must consider. Of course, packing is one of them, but there are always other things to think about when one is going away. One should think about the people they are leaving, and how to plan to keep in touch with them. Family, of course, is a big deal to me, so Skype, phoning them, and perhaps even handwritten letters will be involved (just like last time). Another thing to consider is what to bring besides the necessary amount of clothes (and when I say necessary amount, I literally mean that. Don't pack your whole closet unless you're actually moving...permantly. Otherwise, you'll just waste space, time, and have more laundry to do.

Now, as for what else to bring, besides the necessities. I plan to bring a few of my favorite books because as Richard de Bury said in The Philobiblon:

"In books I meet the dead as if they were alive,

in books I see what is yet to come...

All things decay and pass with time...

all fame would fall victim to oblivion

if God had not given mortal men the book to aid them."

Or, as Charles Lamb said in the Last Essays of Elia, 1833:

"A book reads the better which is our own, and has been so long known to us, that we know the topography of its blots, and dog's ears, and can trace the dirt in it to having read it at tea with buttered muffins."

Let's just say I really like books. =D And that is why I will be packing a few of my favorites along.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Good Place

There are things that I miss about Florida and as the count down draws to an end I can only continue to wait a bit more.

Suprisingly enough I miss the thunderstorms. Ironic, as I am not a big fan of them, but with today's rain (and its absence of thunder and/or lightning) I was only a tad bit disappointed. Even with the thunderstorms we get here at my home, they are not the same. I find that after living in Florida for some time, I miss the strength of the storms there. How, during a really bad storm, the sky can turn black and the lightning, you can actually see it streak and split across the sky. It's really something. Really. And it isn't so bad, to listen to the storm as it rumbles in or as it rumbles out. I prefer the sound of the rain pattering against the stone and windows, and the dull echoes of thunder in the distance, but when it's all up and around, well...I guess it depends. =)

Another thing I miss is the heat. I am not a fan of the cold, and I love the weather in Florida (even when it rains in the middle of the day). Sunshine and heat, that doesn't bother me. Even when there is humidity. As long as it isn't freezing or below freezing (like in the Winter) then I love it. Don't know why, just do.

I miss my friends down there, I miss getting to see them every day. I miss seeing one person in particular. I miss our strolls "around the world" every day we had off (practically). I miss the fireworks we would watch together (even though we had seen them every other night before). I miss the rides and the pushes and shoves I would get just to go on one I wasn't a fan of. I enjoyed trying new things and meeting new people. I miss the company we shared, haha.

BUT! ...Soon, very soon! I will see this person again, and a few other friends I have not seen in almost a year. I think that it will be a very good time, and I cannot wait.

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